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Economic funeral PEGAS II

It is funeral in ceremonial hall with the attendance of bereaved and cremation or burial to a grave. Nowadays it is the most often used kind of burial. It is carried out at the ceremonial hall of your choice.

Viewing of the deceased before cremation is performed based on hygienic regulations

  • Transport of the deceased from the place of death to cooling facility in transportation casket
  • Make up and dress up to own clothing, if available
  • Deposition of the deceased to the ceremonial aspect (type hibiscus)
  • Cloth dressing of the casket
  • Rental of ceremonial hall, including speaker and ceremony leader.
  • Large bouquet for the casket out of white carnations (16 pcs), satin ribbon
  • Rental of wreath from cloth blossoms, satin ribbon
  • Preparation and print of classic obituary up to 25 pcs.
  • Release of official urn with the remains of the deceased in our office
  • Practical transport casing for the official urn with the remains of the deceased
  • Provision of administrative tasks for release of the death certificate
  • Entrance of the health insurance card for shredding
  • Cremation in crematorium in Strašnice

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Omezení provozní doby


Vážení klienti, naše sjednávací kancelář

Chlumecká 1677 (Černý Most)

je dočasně uzavřena.


S úctou tým PEGAS CZ



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