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Funeral at home

  • Funeral home PEGAS CZ exclusively offers the possibility of performing funeral with the deceased for example at your home or another place of your choosing.
  • How is such service performed?
  • In this case we use special chilled casket, in which the deceased can be deposited or exhibited even several hours or days. Limitations of free dates in ceremonial halls or length of ceremony do not have to bother you.
  • If the casket adorned with flowers will be displayed in the funeral car and the farewell will be carried out there, or if the casket will be displayed on a portable catafalque, is entirely upon your choice.
  • You have the opportunity to say farewell to the deceased entirely as you wish.

Are you interested in this service or do you need any help?

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Omezení provozní doby


Vážení klienti, naše sjednávací kancelář

Budínova 2366/2d (Bulovka)

je plně uzavřena od 20. 2.–21.2.2025


S úctou tým PEGAS CZ



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We are a proud member of professional organizations and an important partner of these organisations.