We can prepare an obituary while you wait in any of our offices. Our offer includes classic printed obituaries as well as modern graphic customization. We will provide you with printed as well as electronic form of the obituary. Matter of course is also the funeral envelopes for classic mail. A catalogue is available, that will help with choice of text, symbols, and verses. Obituary may be put together individually according to your wishes in two different formats.
When creating the obituary, we can accommodate the needs of the most demanding customers. Picture obituaries Parteo may look such as this:
Vážení klienti, naše sjednávací kancelář
Katovická 411/4 (Bohnice)
je plně uzavřena.
Můžete využít naši blízkou pobočku
Budínova 1564/6 (Praha 8)
Tel.: 266 611 058
S úctou tým PEGAS CZ
We are a proud member of professional organizations and an important partner of these organisations.