When choosing an urn or decorative wrapping, think mainly about the place of storage and the material used.
Have you chosen from our offer? Visit one of our branches or contact our funeral assortment sales specialist Ivana Běhounková, who will be happy to help you with everything – tel. +420 230 233 388.
We offer the following products at our branches:
Concrete urns Urnio
Vážení klienti, naše sjednávací kancelář
Budínova 2366/2d (Bulovka)
je ve dnech 27. 3.–28. 3.2025 uzavřena.
Dočasně je uzavřena také sjednávací kancelář
Chlumecká 1677 (Černý Most)
S úctou tým PEGAS CZ
We are a proud member of professional organizations and an important partner of these organisations.