Everything about obituary, how to make one

An obituary is a way to announce the message of a death of a person close to you. An obituary is usually prepared by the organizer of the funeral. Then they personally hand it over or mail it to the family, friends and acquaintances of the deceased. In the case that you order a funeral at our funeral home, we will help you with the obituary graphic design and at the moment of placing your order at any of our offices in print and in electronic version.
If you are interested in more details and want to get acquainted with the appearance of an obituary and different customs in advance, read this text. You will find out, what is normally part of what is traditionally included in an obituary and how to choose different elements. The complete appearance of an obituary is not given by anything and you can choose anything according your own preferences.
What an obituary includes
Obituary is usually A4 format (a standard page format) oriented at height and printed black and white. In its most basic form, you will find a quote, which is in upper right corner, photo of the deceased, symbol or a picture in left upper corner and middle text part which is dominated by name of the deceased. Obituary can be fringed by decorative fringing or lines.
Funeral verses, poems and quotations for obituary
Verses or quotes for obituary should be chosen with respect to the personality of the deceased. Practicing Christians usually choose quotation from bible. These belong among the favourite:
- There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, (Ecclesiastes 3) - I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. (John 11;25)
- Even though I walk through the darkest valley,I will fear no evil,for you are with me;your rod and your staff,they comfort me. (Psalm 23,4 )
It is also possible to choose a short verse or a poem from popular Czech poets:
- Odešla… Jediná na světě, jež nikdy nezradí, na ni nám zůstane nejhezčí vzpomínka, to byla nejdražší, to byla maminka.(Jaroslav Seifert)
- Není smrti, zůstává stále živý, kdo spravedlivý byl a dobrotivý. (František Halas)
- Až umřu, nic na tomto světě se nestane a nezmění, jen srdcí několik se zachvěje v rose jak k ráno květiny. (Jiří Wolker)
Sometimes quotes of famous people are chosen:
- A přišla dlouhá noc a po ní žádné ráno… (Olga Scheinpflugová)
- Kdo v srdcích žije – neumírá… (František Hrubín)
- Život měříme skutky a ne časem.(Seneca)
The possibilities are endless. We recommend confiding your ideas in an employee of funeral home, who will help you create the obituary, and the employee will recommend fitting verses or poem from a catalogue.
Pictures and symbols for obituary
Most often simple pictures and religious symbols, which fit the funeral themes, are used on obituaries. Most often it is a cross, rose, a bird, a feather or a branch. Pictures are usually black and white, so it would be possible to print it out in black and white scheme, but it is possible to choose simple coloured pictures. Instead of symbol sometimes a photography of the deceased is placed to upper left corner. Regarding the size, ideal is a passport photography from present time, so the appearance would be current.
There are more modern designs of obituaries, on which there are bigger photos or pictures on background. You can find inspiration in our photo gallery. Our employees will be more than happy to help you with creation of obituary.
Funeral text on obituary
Text placed in the middle section of an obituary is usually comprised of several parts and its purpose is to communicate who, when and how died, who is announcing the death and when is it possible to give last farewell to the deceased. Below we write certain parts, which together compose obituaries and how the sentences are composed.
- The first part announces who, when and why the person died (meaning the name of the deceased, cause of death and date of death)
Example: With pain in our hearts we announce to all relatives, friends, and acquaintances that our dear father, grandfather, and brother Karel Novák left us. He died after short sickness on Friday, January 1st, before the age of 90
- That is followed with the information about the last farewell (where and when it takes place, if it will be in the family circle or whether friends and acquaintances can attend)
Example: Last farewell will take place in a small family circle on Monday, 10th of January at 15:00 in ceremonial hall at Strašnice cemetery.
- At the end, the closest bereaved are mentioned (usually just in form of relationship to the deceased and first name)
Example: With love, his wife Karla and son Karel with family, and sister Karla with family
- Sometimes, an address where to send condolences is written at the end.
Templates of obituaries
- Obituary templates are to go through at the gallery in Services section, which you will find at this page:https://www.pohrebpegas.cz/en/offer-of-obituaries
We will provide any information at a nonstop phoneline of our funeral home +420 725 900 800.