A guide through the funeral service

Information for the customer
Funeral farewell
Please arrive 30 minutes before the beginning of the ceremony
Before the funeral ceremony, you will be asked by the funeral manager to choose the funeral music. If you have a speaker, you will finalise the speech with them.
Before the ceremony, inform the funeral manager about:
- whether the permanent flower decoration shall be left in place, or whether it will be removed,
- whether you wish to carry the gifted flowers away yourself.
Information for funeral guests
- Arrive 5 minutes before the start of the ceremony to the entrance to the ceremony hall.
- In case you have flowers still packed in paper, unpack them before entering the ceremonial hall.
- During the ceremony, please, do not speak and switch off your phone.
- During closing of the curtain or disappearance of the casket on the catafalque, it is appropriate to pay homage to the deceased by standing up.
- After the ceremony, it is appropriate to express your condolences. In case that the family wishes to refrain, do not condole.
- To condole, come from the right and leave to the left.
We will happily provide all the information at our nonstop phoneline of our funeral home +420 725 900 800